
i am currently immersing myself in this deluge of words from Economic times, Times of India and of course the 15th edition of Barron's GRE .

I find that my english which was stagnant for some time , is now facing an exponential increase in usage as well as knowing the meaning .... but it's gotta take some time to reach CAT level (probably a couple of more weeks) .

In college , we have to submit a mini project scheduled all too suddenly to be done in a month , other than the main project , and it is just getting a bit too cramped . but i guess i know my prorities , i am just gonna do the documentation and concentrate on my GRE/CAT preparation and leave the coding part to my fellow GRE candidates of my group Kishore and Achut coz they are more competent than me when it comes to the nitty gritties of the tech world

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