
well i am on cloud nine after being rewarded for my quizzical efforts in the past 2 days. thursday 5th sept i had been to JERUSELAM college of engg and won 1000 rs in web designing along with a guy called vishwanathan and finished 3rd in the quiz finals after doing so well in the prelims. more on their symposium later ..... and the biggest story on the 6th of sept where till 11 30 i was in JERUSALEM coll , i just happened to see a poster of RAJARAJESHWARI college of engg EEE dept and CSE dept having general quizzes , and i was elated seeing that , so what i did was that i scooted imideatly in my kinetic honda along with a guy called kishore of my class ( 45 odd kilometres) to this college just in time for CSE dept quiz where i just was unlucky not to qualify , but that was made up by my victory in EEE department so 1000 bucks to boot again .

life's really cool at this moment , with me becoming richer !!!!!!! more on how the whole issue folded at these 2 symps

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