---what the heck is it all about............? each one giving an email .to others in a message that's CC'ed to every damn bum on the list ...heh heh........thats what every one seems to be doing without understanding the asset of friendship and what it actually means to them. U MEAN A LOT TO ME .......THATS WHY THIS ARTICLE
Hey i dont intend using this as a platform to say "hi guys , i still exist " but more so as a means of renewing our friendship and remembering the good'ol days when we friends spent time together....
Friendship is something that starts suddenly and unassumingly and is like a ship that never sinks,even in the mightiest of sea's of trouble. Many waves come in the form of petty fights,disagreements....etc etc ....but friendship is like the solitary ship that still carries on amidst the waves of trouble.These waves of trouble contain lots of relationship ruining moments ...and a strong frienndship lies in seeing the larger goal of "bonded for life" rather than reacting aversely in the heat of the moment bound by an ego.
Friendship as sung by the erstwhile hindi actor rajesh khanna goes like this .
try playing this song"deeye jalte hain" from the hindi movie "namak haram"
"badi mushkil se magar ,duniya me dost milte hain"
jab jis waqt kisi ka , yaar juda hota hain
kuch naa pucho , yaaron dil ka , haal bura hota hain
dil pe yaadon ke jaise , teer chalte hain"
"jaan bhi maange,yaar tho dede , na naaraz na karna "
"daulat or javani , ek din kho jaati hain
sach kehta hoon , sari duniya dushman ho jati hain
umr bhar,dost lekin,saat chalte hain..........."
which translates to ............
It is with great difficulty that one finds friends. whenever a friend of yours is going away from you, the condition of the heart, my friend is something that one cant bear. the memories of the realtionship which one shared with the friend stings me like an arrow .
For my friend, I can do anything ,to the extent of giving my life for them.
wealth,love and youth even though attracts.......eventually fades away ....and life becomes so bad to the extent to which , the whole world tends to become your enemy , as they eyed ur money and looks , not u ...........alas.........but my friend.................friends ........FRIENDS stay with u to support u throughout ur life......helping u overcome obstacles and staying close to u......irespective of whether u have a cheque book or not ! ! !
So friends, This mail as said before is to renew our friendship .......analyse how close we were,are and will be ...........it was great fun being with u , all these days.......and i truly cherish the moments we've spent together under the moonlight or sunlight (esp if ur from chennai ! ! !) ...
U happen to be in the elite friends circle of me,myself and ur's truly.........kartik kannan and so consider urself special in receiving this heartfelt mail.......(typed in the evening........missing india bat.........typing this mail for u lovely people ......that's how far my friendship can go :-) )
so ppl...........try and make an ardent effort to keep the lamp of friendship burning till Mr yama decides to come and take us via his placement program..............
kartik kannan
PS: if u did sob or felt emotional reading this mail..........please do send me a reply .I'l take it as a compliment to enrich our friendship further
love u
kartik kannan
www.katchucrap.blogspot.com / kartik.kannan@gmail.com)
i m really proud of u
the interest we did not have
u had
i m sad for what had happen
hai kartik
it's really nice to hear when somebody says about one's experience and thoughts and i kind of enjoyed reading ur e-diary , its more like reading sombodys diary, ya but with out some very personal stuff. meet u some other time..............
if u wanna get in touch
all u hv 2 do
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