The IIM/IIT reservation news further rubbed salt into my wounds when I heard this person(Kancha Ilaiah ) speak on NDTV during the Bigfight Program with Vikram Chandra.This guy argues that this is the best move done by the Arjun Singh Government,but feels that the 50% funda is a tad too low and the reservations must be increased to a much higher level.He says a dalit's son in some remote part of India who does not have provisions for the next day's meal is going to benefit by getting an IIM seat.How does the reasoning sound?wierd.... congrats you have a normal IQ...but this person's reasoning pisses me no end....and here he was in an interview with DNA, a print medium based in Mumbai.

Kancha Ilaihah says that the IIM's must be closed down as they pander to elitist upper class tastes and feels that his OBC,MBC,Dalit junta is deprived of a seat.He reasons that the quota sould not be favoured in case of othercastes (the 77.5% of the pie that sanely remains :-( ).
Here is the excerpt of an Interview with DNA.
Kancha Ilaiah
‘Institutes like IITs and IIMs should be closed down’
Daipayan Halder
Mandal is back. With the news that a crore a year has just become slightly less dear for the B-school grad, came the rider that it may soon become that much more difficult for a general category student to make it to IIMs, IITs or central universities.
The government is considering a proposal to reserve 27 per cent seats there for those applying under the OBC quota. There has been an instant uproar in the corporate sector and the student community. Most are sniffing political opportunism in the move.
But there is another side to the debate. In an exclusive interview to DNA, author of Why I am not a Hindu? and one of the country's foremost Dalit intellectuals Kancha Ilaiah tells Daipayan Halder this was long overdue.
The Election Commission has, on Saturday, sought an explanation from HRD Minister Arjun Singh over the Centre's proposal to reserve seats for OBCs in IITs, IIMs and all central universities, saying he has violated the model code of conduct before the Assembly polls. Do you see this as yet another instance of populism that has run riot?
Well, it is true that after L K Advani decided to go on yet another Bharat Yatra and that too before the assembly polls, the Congress needed a game plan to counter it. Hence, they decided to push for reservation. But there is nothing wrong, per se, in declaring a policy decision. The Constitution has already been amended for the purpose. Elections in the five states are a separate issue and should not be affected by a proposal that is yet to be implemented. The opposition to the proposal only exposes the casteist and racist mindset of those who are opposing it. Even the EC is not free from the malaise. Today or tomorrow, the government had to introduce reservation because that is what the Constitution says.
The IITs and IIMs are successful brands and have gained international recognition. If Mandal replaces merit, wouldn't their brand equity suffer?
We should close down the IITs and the IIMs as they pander to the upper-caste economy of the country. Those who pass out from these institutes use their technical and managerial skills to earn dollars abroad. Are they using their skill sets to the benefit of the agro-based economy of the country? Tell me, with rising incomes of our B-school graduates are farmer suicide rates coming down? So what is the use of such education if it cannot be put to any use within the country or for the uplift of the majority of the population who live in villages?
But can this not lead to reverse discrimination? There is a lot of resentment for the quota candidates for what is often perceived as an unfair advantage that they have over others?
In the book, The Shape of the River, William (G) Bowen and Derek (Curtis) Bok argue for more racial diversity in the US' student population. Today, because of affirmative action in the US, the entry of coloured people in the education, employment and political systems are being increasingly ensured and has benefited their society. There is no reverse discrimination there. In India, on the other hand, there is no democratic space for the SC, ST and OBCs. This move was long overdue.
But even the US policymakers are not in support of reservation. Can there not be any other form of affirmative action than caste-based reservations in jobs and educational institutions?
Reservation is absolutely essential. But there should also be other forms of affirmative action. Successive governments have failed to implement the constitutional promise of introducing free and compulsory education after independence. There should be mass English language primary schools for Dalits. There should also be reservation in the private sector. We will soon take to the streets to ensure that.
Finally, would the move benefit the OBC students themselves? There are examples galore of quota students dropping out of such schools of excellence as they cannot cope up with the pressure.
This is incorrect. When you say backward caste students are not good enough, you display a casteist bias. When I was the head of the political science department of Osmania University, a Dalit student had secured the highest marks.
Backward caste students are generally discriminated against in these premier institutes. Instead of providing them a leg-up, they are made to feel unwanted. Given a favourable condition and a fair chance, they can do as well as the others.
This is what happens when caste obsessed Morons like him dont know the difference between JP Morgan and JP Murugan.I appreciate his nature of fighting for what he feels are people deprived of oppurtunity,but when he poses senseless and baseless arguements to support his so called theory,that's when the blood boils.
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pathetic..... an engineering student i know how much one has 2 get into such elite institute like iit. implement d reservation scheme & a 2nd anti-Mandal protest is gonna start dats for sure
True.. my blood does boil. I can't imagine anyone saying that IITs and IIMs should close shop. And he expects that solve the problems of the farmers. Height of insanity this!
Can't understand what this man Mr. Arjun Singh wants to prove? Just by providing quota you will improve their status? If you want quota, it is ok if you reduce the fees but why in the line of admission you want it? How they will be benefited by getting admission on the base of quota when they don't have any talent to get any degree?
Don't surprise if some day they will come up with a quota system in the results also. At least 49.5% passed students should be from these casts.. Can't even imagine but this could come once a day. Beware.
Kancha Ilaiah is a great person who has some mud inside his skull. How does he expect IIT and IIM to solve the problem of farmers, by giving each farmer or his family member a seat in IIM/IIT? and even if this happens , he ll ask JPMC, Barclay's to offer these ppl high profile jobs to lower their suicide rates. Funniest crap ever. Guys like this one shud be admitted into some mental asylum instead of being treated as an intellect.
People like Kancha Ilaiah, the supposed leaders of the oppressed sound like lunatics. I pity the truly downtrodden.
Can we just stop talking and do some action .. i guess as did through British out of our country and got freedom... we should do the same with all these crap politicians... better to send them to the God court and let some of the burden of our motherland less
Hello Kartik,
I understand your angst,apropos reservation. I went through your profile. Its not surprising to see your views on reservation.
The problem with you guys are that you do not have any idea about what India is like outside of Madras. I am a country bumpkin and mind you, I will not benefit from the quota.City dwellers like you will never understand the value of reservations.
It is not that this section(OBC/SC/ST) of people are genetically brain challenged. There are extra ordinary boys and girls among them. The problem is that they can't afford the same kind of training/coaching which you guys get. Most of them do not know that something like IITs/IIMs exist. I am sure that in 10 years time we would be feeling happy about this decision. You would see path breaking innovations relevant to our people's lives.
Normally Brahmins never bother to start their own business.Why bother about getting a seat in IIM? You know that was what IIMs were started for. To educate aspiring business leaders and enable them to generate employment.
Your ancestors discriminated their fellow human beings for thousands of years. Its time things are evened out. This section(OBC/SC/ST) of the population has been doing all the hard work and you guys cheated them by saying that you guys are more closer to God.
Hey Truth always is bitter. A little introspection would give clarity.
Have you ever seen a Brahmin guy wanting to become an Agriculturist?
Have you ever seen a Brahmin aspiring to become a soldier?
Have you ever seen a Brahmin aspiring to be a trader?
I have never seen one. There would be exceptions. But I am talking about the man on street. One who contributes to the society, in which he lives, always is respected. What did Brahmins contribute?
Mind you there were great Brahmins like Bharathiar. But then he was outcast from your society.
My dear friend I do not hate Brahmins. But the problem with you is that your ancestors never empathised the commoner. You never were in the mainstream. They have passed down all the wrong values to their progeny. Intospect.
Your argument that reservations would bring down the standard of IITs/IIMs is not valid. How many Brahmin ex-IITians/IIMians chose to stay in India and did something thats relevant to our people's needs. Afterall the IIT/IIM education is heavily subsidised by the Govt which inturn is the hard earned money that was ploughed back into the system by the OBC/SC/ST people.
Most of the Brahmin IITians aspire to settle in a foreign land.Why?
Its time to kick ass. Get down to the street. Give the OBC/SC/ST's a run for their money in Agriculture and Trade.
Jungle law is a microcosm to the world."Survival of the fittest".
Advice your fellow FC's to take up bodily challenging work. Only then they will become stronger and can develope spine.
Might always wins.
Hey I didnt mention my Name with my Pro-Reservation comments.
I am Vengat Ramanan.R
Kancha Ilaiah is a great person >>who has some mud inside his skull.
You are not a guy good enough to judge him
How does he expect IIT and IIM to solve the problem of farmers,
Ye thats one of the prime objectives of IIT/IIM. These institutes were developed to produce brilliant minds who would inturn help us(poor farmers) with path breaking innovations in technology and great corporates which would generate jobs for crores of unemployed youth. That was the idea.
>>>and even if this happens , he >>>ll ask JPMC, Barclay's to offer >>these ppl high profile jobs to >>lower their suicide rates. >>Funniest crap ever.
And you expect us to heavily subsidize, with the tax payers money who are mostly OBC/SC/ST, your stay in these institutes and get a job in one of those MNC's,fly away to a foreign land and fatten your-self.
>>>Guys like this one shud be >>>admitted into some mental >>>asylum instead of being treated >>>as an intellect.
Mind your language. Just that you know to type some crap in English do not make you eligible to be counted as an intellect. Illiah is speaking the truth. No personal attacks. You are welcome to criticize his views.
Anybody can produce indecent language which would harm others sensibilities and sensitivities.Do you want a demo?
>>>krithika said...
2:02 PM IST
Ma'am Whats pathetic about that? I do not mind pulling anything down if it is not solving the primary purpose.
This place is full of people who pose to be intellects. No you are not. You are replicating and proliferating someone's idea. Not being an intellect isnt wrong. You do not connect to the issue. Stop puking an idea which is furtive.
This piece was my Swan song.
I can understand of all ur feelings(burning)because u all enjoying your erned asset( Dear friends in our country more than 60% are not having minimum facilities to study) and why you are not agreeing or fail to understand Knche Ilaiah's stand. I feel pity for all of you those who are not undrestood our indian cast system and how it has been laid down.
for thousands of years the So called OC's cotrolled the other cast even if you see now also in all major sector including political parties it is controlled by(75%) OC.
I Pray for all you guys to give you good sense so that u can understand our system.
Being an IITian myself, I would like to specifically respond to one Mr Vengat Ramanan R (is the R for reserved !!...haha..just kidding dude). OBCs stay/will stay in india after IIT/IIM ONLY because they wont find jobs abroad. Those who do find, i can assure you Mr. Vengat, WILL go abroad too, and then you will be the only one to look after the farmers.
The question here is of basic education first and then higher education. You have yourself said that OBC dont go to good schools etc.
Is it then a good idea to admit people who are not clear about what was learnt in school, into institutes like IIT/IIM ?
what purpose will it serve ? they might get the IIT stamp, but they will NEVER be competent as other IITians, who will save your farmers then ?
IIT is just an enabler, the potential has to be WITHIN the student. I can name more CEOs who are non-IITians.
And by forcing peple through reservations nothing can be achieved if the students dont have the calibre, and if they do have the calibre, well, then what IIT & what IIM even god cant stop them from being successful.
the problem with the reservations is that it is discrimination of a sort, something i call "negative discrimination." by proposing the reservation and supporting it, you are implying that you think the bc, obc, etc. are not good enough to get in on their own merit. that is, one is saying they're so stupid that, without the reservation, there is no way they are going to get in. (fyi, that is NOT my view. i'm just expressing what sum1 who thot up the reservations must have bn thinking. their general mindset)
also, one is helping the brahmin classes with the reservation, in a way. an obc, bc, etc. person who's gone to iit or iim after the reservation will have a rather bad name. it's like, ppl assume he/she got in only bcoz of the reservation. and fc ppl who get in will have a better name for getting in despite the reservations.
i thought the indians wanted to eliminate the caste system. this is just making the differences glaringly obvious. sad, isn't it?
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