
Bring on the Women!

Ladies first (News from Cricinfo)

The television crew covering the Scotland-India ODI at Glasgow on August 16 may well end up focusing on the stands more than the cricket. Lloyds TSB Scotland, sponsors of Scottish cricket, announced plans to draw in cricket widows by inviting male supporters to bring their (female) partners along for free (the first 50 at least). The brains behind this marketing strategy hope to spread the gospel of cricket among the ladies. If Henry Blofeld is around, he might just want to take to earring-spotting again.

Mr Pawar, In case Test cricket/Ranji Cricket needs to get a lease of life, I suggest you to take a leaf out of Scotland cricket :-). I guess something even funkier can be made for twenty twenty...have a couple's nite... (basically to help the singles...mingle)

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