W E E K E N D ' S
This seems to be the biggest motivating factor driving me from the time since I was a kid ...right up till now.On days that I had school I would monotonously attend school waiting for friday...as that one day I would really be in my elements as the weekend was approaching and I could have a gala time playing cricket with my neighbours.In college too....this trend continued ..but I had toc hange the script as we had college from monday to saturday ..and getting the weekend off from those weird lectureres meant so much for me.I would involuntarily bunk college on saturday making it a perfect weekend ....but some times did attend college on saturdays as I always had the problem of maintaining my attendence percentage within a limit.
Now even at work........I tend to long for the weekends.........to laze at home ,sleep those extra few minutes longer than a weekday....but all of a sudden as I gave it a thought this morning...life has just gone on monotonously for these 20 odd years ........waiting for weekends.
I guess this feeling of "waiting for the weekend" will never cease and the viewing of monday morning as the "evil day" that haunts us as we resume our routine.I remember being a child I was very regular in doing my homework burning the midnight oil in the wee hours of monday morning interspersed between bouts of sleep to finish it by 8 15 or 8 30 in the morning and then quickly take a shower and get to school invariably late.......and pull out an seemingly stupid reason for being late....and this like a for loop kept repeating till I did my studies and took a little respite being employed...
So here I am ..waiting the n'th Monday morning of life ......typing this buring my midnight oil...(practically my monitor .......).
dance mela at saarang

dance mela at saarang
Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
SAARANG IITM really had an electrified atmosphere and this pic sure shows some of it.
dance at saarang

dance at saarang
Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
This was taken by my mobile camera ..and this was during the impromptu dance that was sponsored by NOKIA and guess what there were 3 such music dj mixes going on around the same place without any interference.
wella after this site has fully loaded after u've come here....just do scroll down and check the visitor number of the site.As of now at 7 25 am on a thursday morning it's 4995 ....the 5000th visitor to this site would get a treat from me.All u have to do is when u see the no 5000 on my site meter , do email me or leave a comment on my blog.(be honest )
I guess it's time I start ....as my mother keeps reminding me to go to office............
wella after this site has fully loaded after u've come here....just do scroll down and check the visitor number of the site.As of now at 7 25 am on a thursday morning it's 4995 ....the 5000th visitor to this site would get a treat from me.All u have to do is when u see the no 5000 on my site meter , do email me or leave a comment on my blog.(be honest )
I guess it's time I start ....as my mother keeps reminding me to go to office............
Well, being back to Chennai ..is great and driving along Old mahabalipuram road is so much better than the good old Hosur road...at least one dosen't face so much of traffic jams....in chennai ,more than in bangalore. I had a great weekend at saarang,IIT-M ..butthe rock show there on saturday night was a big letdown....
but there's more to come ..with KK's concert tommorow evening..shall give more updates when i reach home as i am busy warming the benches at work.
but there's more to come ..with KK's concert tommorow evening..shall give more updates when i reach home as i am busy warming the benches at work.
I shall be hitting Chennai tommorow morning all set to join and report to my Chennai Office.I just got my release mail last night...and after a long time spent a tension free,COBOL-free night on the campus.I've never slept so well for the past 1 month.I do feel a little nostalgic of all the lovely memories Bangalore has given me during this 95 day MAINFRAMED holiday.
I guess Iwill be missing that lovely morning mist and chillness that prevails here ...only to be otherwise found inside a refrigerator (especially when ur in chennai :-)) ,my dear cubicle B16 at FF2 ,but anyway home is where heart is ....so dear chennai....HERE I AM...........arriving.
For chennai folks I wudnt , have a mobile number to contact me...as I will be surrendering my HUTCH bangalore connection tonight...and would get a number only tommorow after reaching office to have the corporate connection in Chennai.
I shall be hitting Chennai tommorow morning all set to join and report to my Chennai Office.I just got my release mail last night...and after a long time spent a tension free,COBOL-free night on the campus.I've never slept so well for the past 1 month.I do feel a little nostalgic of all the lovely memories Bangalore has given me during this 95 day MAINFRAMED holiday.
I guess Iwill be missing that lovely morning mist and chillness that prevails here ...only to be otherwise found inside a refrigerator (especially when ur in chennai :-)) ,my dear cubicle B16 at FF2 ,but anyway home is where heart is ....so dear chennai....HERE I AM...........arriving.
For chennai folks I wudnt , have a mobile number to contact me...as I will be surrendering my HUTCH bangalore connection tonight...and would get a number only tommorow after reaching office to have the corporate connection in Chennai.
I just happened to come across my school's official website...from dilee's blog but tch tch...the website provider's ugly name comes up when the site opens.It felt good to see photographs of some of my teachers who still work in the school....amidst the new recruits.The last time I visited school was on pakistan's independence day -aug 14.....when I had been to adjacent school ST Micheals to write the recruitment test for Cognizant which I had easily cleared.I just happened to visit the school then for about 10 minutes ...taking a peek into the cycle stand where I once used to waste time...in the mornings ,bunking my prayer sessions to gossip with my friends in the name of arranging the cycles ,as we had a competition every week for the best maintenance of the campus..by the respective groups...and some of the groups went like this ....hmm....all of them were mountains neelkant,kanchenjunga,nangaparbat and ......................ya...kailash. I've represented all the houses during my 8 year assosiation with bala vidya mandir.
I then went to the auditorium to see the very place where a quiz master was born....(hey thats me) .......the very place where we people used to arrange ourselves in a so called line to assemble for the prayer, ...after which I remember we had to pass through the jungle gym- our play area for lower classes , some teachers(like thayumanavan,ramesh,sethu) used to stand and monitor the condition of our shoes and punish us by asking us to take a round of the whole school.Man that was some fun!!!! and last but not the least the Aaya's little home in between our basketball court and the girl's toilet.I was a regular visitor to the local aaya's place ,whenever there was a cricket match on...her B/W tv used to provide us the scores and updates. One instance I can never forget was March the 13th 1996 when India played Sri lanka in the semifinals of the 96 world cup, the aaya's little dwelling was filled with more than 12 students ....when jayasuriya and kaluwitharana were out to consecutive balls....the amount of roar and excitement ,we people had at that moment was to be experienced only at that moment,in that little place .I could have taken leave ..on that day....but sadly cudnt as I had already met the princi and vice prici for special leave as I was one among the few who took leave on march the 11th after attending half a day school as australia played the kiwis at chepauk. One of my friends dileep decided not to bunk school for the chennai match and take leave on the 13th when india were playing .
Q well .on a quizzical note ...what connects kartik kannan and dinesh kaarthik
(the indian wicketkeeper now ) ?
A Both played as substitutes under dilee's captaincy :-)
Someday when I am in Chennai ,I must make it a point to visit my teachers.....and of course the hallowed turf as my classmate dileepan puts it.
I guess I have a lot more to contribute about school ....but as of now I am mainframed ....with Infy..have some work..... so will update later.
I just happened to come across my school's official website...from dilee's blog but tch tch...the website provider's ugly name comes up when the site opens.It felt good to see photographs of some of my teachers who still work in the school....amidst the new recruits.The last time I visited school was on pakistan's independence day -aug 14.....when I had been to adjacent school ST Micheals to write the recruitment test for Cognizant which I had easily cleared.I just happened to visit the school then for about 10 minutes ...taking a peek into the cycle stand where I once used to waste time...in the mornings ,bunking my prayer sessions to gossip with my friends in the name of arranging the cycles ,as we had a competition every week for the best maintenance of the campus..by the respective groups...and some of the groups went like this ....hmm....all of them were mountains neelkant,kanchenjunga,nangaparbat and ......................ya...kailash. I've represented all the houses during my 8 year assosiation with bala vidya mandir.
I then went to the auditorium to see the very place where a quiz master was born....(hey thats me) .......the very place where we people used to arrange ourselves in a so called line to assemble for the prayer, ...after which I remember we had to pass through the jungle gym- our play area for lower classes , some teachers(like thayumanavan,ramesh,sethu) used to stand and monitor the condition of our shoes and punish us by asking us to take a round of the whole school.Man that was some fun!!!! and last but not the least the Aaya's little home in between our basketball court and the girl's toilet.I was a regular visitor to the local aaya's place ,whenever there was a cricket match on...her B/W tv used to provide us the scores and updates. One instance I can never forget was March the 13th 1996 when India played Sri lanka in the semifinals of the 96 world cup, the aaya's little dwelling was filled with more than 12 students ....when jayasuriya and kaluwitharana were out to consecutive balls....the amount of roar and excitement ,we people had at that moment was to be experienced only at that moment,in that little place .I could have taken leave ..on that day....but sadly cudnt as I had already met the princi and vice prici for special leave as I was one among the few who took leave on march the 11th after attending half a day school as australia played the kiwis at chepauk. One of my friends dileep decided not to bunk school for the chennai match and take leave on the 13th when india were playing .
Q well .on a quizzical note ...what connects kartik kannan and dinesh kaarthik
(the indian wicketkeeper now ) ?
A Both played as substitutes under dilee's captaincy :-)
Someday when I am in Chennai ,I must make it a point to visit my teachers.....and of course the hallowed turf as my classmate dileepan puts it.
I guess I have a lot more to contribute about school ....but as of now I am mainframed ....with Infy..have some work..... so will update later.
Sometimes I just think Why cant chennai have a dedicated hindi music channel....I 've so much got used to listening to RADIOCITY 91FM and its mellifluos tunes ..in bangalore . Chennai should have a channel that plays english and hindi music also....as we have 2 24/7 tamil music stations in SURYAN FM and RADIOMIRCHI 98.3 .... I must say life is just all that bit better with the arrival of my "love of life" WM-FX195 SONY WALKMAN ..as the day is spent listening to radio city . There are a few RJ's here who are as famous as suchitra ramadorai of 98.3 ....like vasanti hariprakash of "guud morning bangalore" and darius"simply adjust maadi/top 8 at 8 " .
Anyways I guess its hightime I feed "her " with some food..so gotto go 2 foodworld and buy a pack of batteries..
Anyways I guess its hightime I feed "her " with some food..so gotto go 2 foodworld and buy a pack of batteries..
. Sometimes memories are the only tool that provides some kind of a comfort especially when one is alone.I was just walking down memory lane this afternoon ..of my tour to Hyderabad in early jan 2003, exactly 2 years back. We were there only for 5 days ,but it felt as if we were there for many more days. What was so exciting then was that we (aanand,kishore,prasanna and myself ) college students (halfway into our third year ) had gone there officially to attend a summit called the partnership summit where many corporate honchos and political leaders gave their views on various topics .This was the first time I was interacting with world famous people on a personal scale …and we delegates were allowed to question the speakers and I did put up a few questions …and received immense satisfaction when my questions were answered by these people.This was my introduction to corporate life…..and not to forget the lunch we had with these senior people.On this tour we got to hear biz talk from people as famous as Bharti’s Mittal,C.K.Prahlad,Marty subrahmanian,Ramesh Vangal,jairam ramesh,Ashok soota,Ramaraju,Ministers of defence ,US government,LK Advani…..and literally the who’s who of the Indian corporate world .
The first two days we were lodged in a place called gachibowli in the IIIT campus .To come out of wilderness from vel tech engineering college to another technical institute like the International institute of Information technology was a huge thing for us …seeing a campus full of greenery ,excellent buildings and in general the campus by itself was like being in dream land for us.Where else in the world would one get up to hearing rock music at 6 am …and have a canteen that was 24 hours open and the biggest of them all –have a guys hostel right adjacent to the girls hostel.It was fun staying there and roaming all night through the campus…and the highway on which the college was situated.
The next day we were to shift to another place in the city where one of my mothers friend lived.I knew her all along as Parvati aunty for the 20 years that I had existed.She was my mothers friend since the time we were in Hyderabad.(I was born in Hyderabad…and stayed there till I was 4). . Parvathi aunty stayed with her mother in Hyderabad. She, due to certain family circumstances had not married and was living supporting her mother. I remember when we stayed there …..the whole house seemed as if it sprang to life …..as instead of two …now there were 6 people in the house and parvathi aunty was busy serving us ….food and other delicacies.I knew what it must have been for them,as she had no children,so she was so pleased seeing us ,she took extra special efforts to make sure we were comfortable.
Her mother,probably a septuagenarian too took great efforts to make sure we enjoyed our stay there.Every thing from being dropped at the hotel where the summit was held to the time we were in their house …was made enjoyable to us.It was a small 2 bedroom flat …….where we 4 guys managed to get into one room and spend a couple of nights there.Parvathy aunty’s mother had seen me since I was a baby ..and was seeing me after a gap of something like 17 years …and when the time came to part ..she seemed very sad .I paid my obeisance to her by kneeling down on her feet to have her blessings…..She was so happy to see me doing that …..I could feel it in her eyes,…as tears were slowly collecting in the edge of her eye …without actually showing she was emotional. Soon after I left their place she rang up my mother and was complimenting my mother for having such a nice well mannered son like me.
Generally elders ……have a lot of affection amidst memories of a child they had seen when it was newborn and now here that child was ….grown up…to be a responsible lad who still remembers them.The fact that I had remembered her , gave her a lot of joy…as it was 17 years later that I was meeting her.
Last afternoon as I was glancing into my computer …..skeptically seeing a piece of code …whether the syntax was correct………I got a call from my mother that parvathy aunty’s mother had passed away……and for a second it seemed as if the world around me had frozen………her memories flashed like a powerpoint slide show…..one after another …….and hence this post ..dedicated to this lady………..whom I really revere .
. Sometimes memories are the only tool that provides some kind of a comfort especially when one is alone.I was just walking down memory lane this afternoon ..of my tour to Hyderabad in early jan 2003, exactly 2 years back. We were there only for 5 days ,but it felt as if we were there for many more days. What was so exciting then was that we (aanand,kishore,prasanna and myself ) college students (halfway into our third year ) had gone there officially to attend a summit called the partnership summit where many corporate honchos and political leaders gave their views on various topics .This was the first time I was interacting with world famous people on a personal scale …and we delegates were allowed to question the speakers and I did put up a few questions …and received immense satisfaction when my questions were answered by these people.This was my introduction to corporate life…..and not to forget the lunch we had with these senior people.On this tour we got to hear biz talk from people as famous as Bharti’s Mittal,C.K.Prahlad,Marty subrahmanian,Ramesh Vangal,jairam ramesh,Ashok soota,Ramaraju,Ministers of defence ,US government,LK Advani…..and literally the who’s who of the Indian corporate world .
The first two days we were lodged in a place called gachibowli in the IIIT campus .To come out of wilderness from vel tech engineering college to another technical institute like the International institute of Information technology was a huge thing for us …seeing a campus full of greenery ,excellent buildings and in general the campus by itself was like being in dream land for us.Where else in the world would one get up to hearing rock music at 6 am …and have a canteen that was 24 hours open and the biggest of them all –have a guys hostel right adjacent to the girls hostel.It was fun staying there and roaming all night through the campus…and the highway on which the college was situated.
The next day we were to shift to another place in the city where one of my mothers friend lived.I knew her all along as Parvati aunty for the 20 years that I had existed.She was my mothers friend since the time we were in Hyderabad.(I was born in Hyderabad…and stayed there till I was 4). . Parvathi aunty stayed with her mother in Hyderabad. She, due to certain family circumstances had not married and was living supporting her mother. I remember when we stayed there …..the whole house seemed as if it sprang to life …..as instead of two …now there were 6 people in the house and parvathi aunty was busy serving us ….food and other delicacies.I knew what it must have been for them,as she had no children,so she was so pleased seeing us ,she took extra special efforts to make sure we were comfortable.
Her mother,probably a septuagenarian too took great efforts to make sure we enjoyed our stay there.Every thing from being dropped at the hotel where the summit was held to the time we were in their house …was made enjoyable to us.It was a small 2 bedroom flat …….where we 4 guys managed to get into one room and spend a couple of nights there.Parvathy aunty’s mother had seen me since I was a baby ..and was seeing me after a gap of something like 17 years …and when the time came to part ..she seemed very sad .I paid my obeisance to her by kneeling down on her feet to have her blessings…..She was so happy to see me doing that …..I could feel it in her eyes,…as tears were slowly collecting in the edge of her eye …without actually showing she was emotional. Soon after I left their place she rang up my mother and was complimenting my mother for having such a nice well mannered son like me.
Generally elders ……have a lot of affection amidst memories of a child they had seen when it was newborn and now here that child was ….grown up…to be a responsible lad who still remembers them.The fact that I had remembered her , gave her a lot of joy…as it was 17 years later that I was meeting her.
Last afternoon as I was glancing into my computer …..skeptically seeing a piece of code …whether the syntax was correct………I got a call from my mother that parvathy aunty’s mother had passed away……and for a second it seemed as if the world around me had frozen………her memories flashed like a powerpoint slide show…..one after another …….and hence this post ..dedicated to this lady………..whom I really revere .
of forwards and the mindset behind it
I tend to notice that more often than not , one tends to receive emails as forwards than the normal mail conveying information.It's not that I am against forwards....but it gets boring to see a repetition of the same mails popping in by the dozens.Infact it's years since I actually forwarded messages,and even when I send group emails to all my friends It's something that I type on my own. I just noticed this as I was about to sleep last night.
well seeing the other side of the coin..one would argue that a person sending forwarded mails is actually sharing information with others,but I totally detest that theory as I know the mentality of we " working proffesionals " I tell u, we some how or the other have to pass time ...without tasking our brain so much.......just have to fill in the check boxes and click on send, and we continue doing this monotonously till we are bored even with this activity....after which we say.."ok they pay me somuch..lets do some work" and inbetween work when u recv a mail , u are only too glad to take this as a welcome respite and forward it across.
When the odd forward comes , I dont mind reading it ...but when the same forward comes from different people at different instants of time ...that too flooding ur inbox with a ferocity of closing it down, only then does it become tiresome reading them.
It's not that I forward only my own stuff, there are times whenever I have sent the link containing a good article , but it's just that its boring to see people sending forwarded mails hardly caring whther we read it or not....but more so just to make sure they have some activity to while off their time...and its become so mechanical...these days........
to catch up on college gossip , My dear friend L.G.Ganesh has got a job in bangalore and would be coming here on the 19th morning via the rajdhani express, but i am not sure whether I would be in bangalore to receive him as I still haven't got confirmation from my department as to when they are going to releive me..officially its 18th...but only time will tell.I heard that my college is planning an alumni meet on the 26th of january,I wouldnt mind going there but whats what's the point going there all alone , when most of the guys wont turn up,as they dont want to re-enter hell .
I tend to notice that more often than not , one tends to receive emails as forwards than the normal mail conveying information.It's not that I am against forwards....but it gets boring to see a repetition of the same mails popping in by the dozens.Infact it's years since I actually forwarded messages,and even when I send group emails to all my friends It's something that I type on my own. I just noticed this as I was about to sleep last night.
well seeing the other side of the coin..one would argue that a person sending forwarded mails is actually sharing information with others,but I totally detest that theory as I know the mentality of we " working proffesionals " I tell u, we some how or the other have to pass time ...without tasking our brain so much.......just have to fill in the check boxes and click on send, and we continue doing this monotonously till we are bored even with this activity....after which we say.."ok they pay me somuch..lets do some work" and inbetween work when u recv a mail , u are only too glad to take this as a welcome respite and forward it across.
When the odd forward comes , I dont mind reading it ...but when the same forward comes from different people at different instants of time ...that too flooding ur inbox with a ferocity of closing it down, only then does it become tiresome reading them.
It's not that I forward only my own stuff, there are times whenever I have sent the link containing a good article , but it's just that its boring to see people sending forwarded mails hardly caring whther we read it or not....but more so just to make sure they have some activity to while off their time...and its become so mechanical...these days........
to catch up on college gossip , My dear friend L.G.Ganesh has got a job in bangalore and would be coming here on the 19th morning via the rajdhani express, but i am not sure whether I would be in bangalore to receive him as I still haven't got confirmation from my department as to when they are going to releive me..officially its 18th...but only time will tell.I heard that my college is planning an alumni meet on the 26th of january,I wouldnt mind going there but whats what's the point going there all alone , when most of the guys wont turn up,as they dont want to re-enter hell .
I remember her first coming to my house on the 27th of august 2001 on a "as -usual-sunny" chennai afternoon.I instantly fell in love with her..it was'nt just her looks ,but her innermost quality that has won me over.I am now not lonely in bangalore...as I went home last weekend and decided to bring her for accompanying me ....for the last few days in bangalore.I dont get to see her that often but it's just that we sleep together.I've cherished the nights we've spent together in bed.....staring at the moonlight that would seep in through my window.I know her only well for 3 years...but the kind of bond that has developed between us is really strong....as she has stood by me in times of distress offering me support and of course through moments of ecstacy..... read a small post on her,pls read the article titled ek choti si love story...click here ....that I wrote sometime back in 2002.....
Her father passed away some time back........he was called AKIO MORITA.......yes he was the guy who invented the SONY WALKMAN ....... :-) that I own now....
well u see I have this habit of getting attached to inanimate things...and the latest victim is my desktop....in office.
I remember her first coming to my house on the 27th of august 2001 on a "as -usual-sunny" chennai afternoon.I instantly fell in love with her..it was'nt just her looks ,but her innermost quality that has won me over.I am now not lonely in bangalore...as I went home last weekend and decided to bring her for accompanying me ....for the last few days in bangalore.I dont get to see her that often but it's just that we sleep together.I've cherished the nights we've spent together in bed.....staring at the moonlight that would seep in through my window.I know her only well for 3 years...but the kind of bond that has developed between us is really strong....as she has stood by me in times of distress offering me support and of course through moments of ecstacy..... read a small post on her,pls read the article titled ek choti si love story...click here ....that I wrote sometime back in 2002.....
Her father passed away some time back........he was called AKIO MORITA.......yes he was the guy who invented the SONY WALKMAN ....... :-) that I own now....
well u see I have this habit of getting attached to inanimate things...and the latest victim is my desktop....in office.
wow it feels so good to head home......I am mentally fagged out staying all alone in bangalore and with the ever increasing pile of unwashed clothes...and the luggage that just keeps increasing as I keep buying books....I am going to dump every thing in chennai ...and come back to bangalore .
INcidentally the bangalore sun too would have lesser admirers than the chennai sun...as I literally had to run towards the shade as I have got used to chill bangalore weather and after 2 and a half months this was the first time iwent out in the afternoon.
INcidentally the bangalore sun too would have lesser admirers than the chennai sun...as I literally had to run towards the shade as I have got used to chill bangalore weather and after 2 and a half months this was the first time iwent out in the afternoon.
every damn software engineer I come across ,be it in the bus ,or while going to eat...or while just walking...seems to be thumbing across a copy of DAN BROWN'S DA VINCI CODE.......it seems to have become a rage in the office.....here.THe strangest part is I have become so dumb , that even as a books gets famous I hardly have the craving to read it.Thats how harry potter passed by and now it's dear Dan brown..............
may be I too shall thumb through the copy of that book sometime after I am "mainframed"
every damn software engineer I come across ,be it in the bus ,or while going to eat...or while just walking...seems to be thumbing across a copy of DAN BROWN'S DA VINCI CODE.......it seems to have become a rage in the office.....here.THe strangest part is I have become so dumb , that even as a books gets famous I hardly have the craving to read it.Thats how harry potter passed by and now it's dear Dan brown..............
may be I too shall thumb through the copy of that book sometime after I am "mainframed"
Its really amazing how much of a factor attitude plays in life….it is just the difference between living life and existing . For the past few months I’ve been just existing , not living life because I seem to have closed many avenues of life, just to make sure I have one channel running….. why? One might ask…its more so because of the insecurity involved in completing that task successfully,especially if one has’nt done something well previously . This way of just physically existing without any goals in life,over a long time could prove really dangerous to one’s career and I am in the process of learning that.
In these 79 days that I have stayed alone at Bangalore,I have realized that I just didn’t have the right attitude to live alone and live it responsibly. I ‘ve learnt day by day that whatever habits,Thoughts and strengths I had were like a drop in an ocean and there’s so much of myself that needs corrective action in many fields…may it be living alone and adjusting with the available resources and people around you,how muchever one detests them..I’ve realized this all too suddenly,when my lackadaisical attitude towards programming made me feel like an alien here and a fish out of water.The corporate world expects you to do things on time and there’s basically no one out there to protect you and advise you on what to do and what not to? And one bad impression could have a lasting effect on the whole career itself in terms of promotions.
In all these 4 years living with programming which “ I terribly hate “ and the various tasks involved in learning it …(as I am supposed to be a software engineer)…has made me take life with same approach as I would do with programming and tech stuff….and the insecurity created there has spilled over into normal life and hobbies and has made me what I am. Well looking at it now, life isn’t all that tough ,but one just needs organized and honest planning to lead it comfortably.I’ve probably derailed in this track of life ,simply because I haven’t found things going my way , the way I want it to be…and that disappointment stems from the fact that I tend to believe a person completely and when some one disappoints me I tend to take it a little too personal and feel a lot about why he/she had wronged me.So to say I am yet to find any friend who thinks on the same lines as I do and whom I enjoy being with…..I have many close friends…but some somewhere down the line if A has 15 good qualities ,he somehow tends to have a couple of qualities I just abhor……..but one has no choice to accept these things and move on as friends…… so the lack of an extremely close or caring friend..somehow has made life a little boring to live with. At this point there are probably only a handful….who would really be the guys to hang around with, or with whom I would be at ease……
Another cause for worry is that I generally prefer taking the first step,leading things and managing various activities.While organizing these things ,invariably I have found some rascal who talks behind my back or mocks…while I sit back and do the work….and surprisingly the crowd I have mingled in school and college have been of the type which prefers to sit back and relax and pass comments on the one who actually does the work. somehow or the other my enthusiasm in doing a work would be accompanied by jealousy or there would be some problem creator wherever I have been …and after some time that would affect the way I work. Take for example the college symposium ..which I was so glad to work for….that literally 90% of the planning and work was done by me before the symposium.I literally gave my heart out working 15-20 hours in a day …..and just on the day of the symposium a few lecturers and students decide to have their own spoiling every damn thing and then blaming me ….To add salt on the wound …they fail me in my labs…
So the environment and the people around have also contributed to me just losing that interest in life.So all these factors over a period of time have made my life not so interesting.Its like u trying to come up to the surface of water after being repeatedly being pushed and shoved around deeper by evil. As a result the confidence takes a beating and one tends to suffer mentally……and that’s what probably happened to me all these years.So something that I have learnt is that people are not meant to remain the same as they were,and yeah...now I have learnt to recognize and inoculate the sinners from the saints.
life in general is never as linear as the idle world is ……..but its for us to make it as linear as possible customizing it and tailor making to our requirements and not get turned off by the boulders …but to find ways of passing the boulder successfully. This lean patch of life has happened at a time when relatively ,one can still manouvere his way towards building his life, as I compare life currently like a wet cement mould that thickens as we grow older….the cement has’nt fully dried,so I can still make ramifications and corrections before the hardening takes place .So I am feeling happy that I could at least identify the source of problem (or rather debug it , as I am supposed to say)…and doing it in loneliness is even more satisfying .When I talk about loneliness..its the fact that I am away from suffering with none of my close mates nearby....and the song playing on my desktop just echoes my feelings at this point of .(SHAAN)
ankhon me sapne liye
ghar se ham chal to diye
jaane yeh raahen ab lejayengi kahan....
mitti ki khusboo aye(chennai ki.... :-) ) ,palkon pe aasoon laye
parkon pe reh jayega yadon ka jahan
manzil nayi hain.anjana hain karvan
chalna akela hain yahan.........
tanha dil , tanha safar,
dhunde dil tuje,phir kyon nazar....
I am all set to live life once again after being marooned on the sea of no hope (as in the cape of good hope in Africa ) Well on a technical note…I sign off ……hoping life works like this SQL query…….
DELETE sorrows FROM life UPDATE life SET failure_flag = "NO" AND success_flag = "YES" SELECT happiness, prosperity FROM life WHERE year >=2005 INSERT INTO life VALUES ("friends","dreams") GRANT smile TO all REVOKE enemity FROM all ALTER TABLE life add dreams CHAR(INFINITY)
Its really amazing how much of a factor attitude plays in life….it is just the difference between living life and existing . For the past few months I’ve been just existing , not living life because I seem to have closed many avenues of life, just to make sure I have one channel running….. why? One might ask…its more so because of the insecurity involved in completing that task successfully,especially if one has’nt done something well previously . This way of just physically existing without any goals in life,over a long time could prove really dangerous to one’s career and I am in the process of learning that.
In these 79 days that I have stayed alone at Bangalore,I have realized that I just didn’t have the right attitude to live alone and live it responsibly. I ‘ve learnt day by day that whatever habits,Thoughts and strengths I had were like a drop in an ocean and there’s so much of myself that needs corrective action in many fields…may it be living alone and adjusting with the available resources and people around you,how muchever one detests them..I’ve realized this all too suddenly,when my lackadaisical attitude towards programming made me feel like an alien here and a fish out of water.The corporate world expects you to do things on time and there’s basically no one out there to protect you and advise you on what to do and what not to? And one bad impression could have a lasting effect on the whole career itself in terms of promotions.
In all these 4 years living with programming which “ I terribly hate “ and the various tasks involved in learning it …(as I am supposed to be a software engineer)…has made me take life with same approach as I would do with programming and tech stuff….and the insecurity created there has spilled over into normal life and hobbies and has made me what I am. Well looking at it now, life isn’t all that tough ,but one just needs organized and honest planning to lead it comfortably.I’ve probably derailed in this track of life ,simply because I haven’t found things going my way , the way I want it to be…and that disappointment stems from the fact that I tend to believe a person completely and when some one disappoints me I tend to take it a little too personal and feel a lot about why he/she had wronged me.So to say I am yet to find any friend who thinks on the same lines as I do and whom I enjoy being with…..I have many close friends…but some somewhere down the line if A has 15 good qualities ,he somehow tends to have a couple of qualities I just abhor……..but one has no choice to accept these things and move on as friends…… so the lack of an extremely close or caring friend..somehow has made life a little boring to live with. At this point there are probably only a handful….who would really be the guys to hang around with, or with whom I would be at ease……
Another cause for worry is that I generally prefer taking the first step,leading things and managing various activities.While organizing these things ,invariably I have found some rascal who talks behind my back or mocks…while I sit back and do the work….and surprisingly the crowd I have mingled in school and college have been of the type which prefers to sit back and relax and pass comments on the one who actually does the work. somehow or the other my enthusiasm in doing a work would be accompanied by jealousy or there would be some problem creator wherever I have been …and after some time that would affect the way I work. Take for example the college symposium ..which I was so glad to work for….that literally 90% of the planning and work was done by me before the symposium.I literally gave my heart out working 15-20 hours in a day …..and just on the day of the symposium a few lecturers and students decide to have their own spoiling every damn thing and then blaming me ….To add salt on the wound …they fail me in my labs…
So the environment and the people around have also contributed to me just losing that interest in life.So all these factors over a period of time have made my life not so interesting.Its like u trying to come up to the surface of water after being repeatedly being pushed and shoved around deeper by evil. As a result the confidence takes a beating and one tends to suffer mentally……and that’s what probably happened to me all these years.So something that I have learnt is that people are not meant to remain the same as they were,and yeah...now I have learnt to recognize and inoculate the sinners from the saints.
life in general is never as linear as the idle world is ……..but its for us to make it as linear as possible customizing it and tailor making to our requirements and not get turned off by the boulders …but to find ways of passing the boulder successfully. This lean patch of life has happened at a time when relatively ,one can still manouvere his way towards building his life, as I compare life currently like a wet cement mould that thickens as we grow older….the cement has’nt fully dried,so I can still make ramifications and corrections before the hardening takes place .So I am feeling happy that I could at least identify the source of problem (or rather debug it , as I am supposed to say)…and doing it in loneliness is even more satisfying .When I talk about loneliness..its the fact that I am away from suffering with none of my close mates nearby....and the song playing on my desktop just echoes my feelings at this point of .(SHAAN)
ankhon me sapne liye
ghar se ham chal to diye
jaane yeh raahen ab lejayengi kahan....
mitti ki khusboo aye(chennai ki.... :-) ) ,palkon pe aasoon laye
parkon pe reh jayega yadon ka jahan
manzil nayi hain.anjana hain karvan
chalna akela hain yahan.........
tanha dil , tanha safar,
dhunde dil tuje,phir kyon nazar....
I am all set to live life once again after being marooned on the sea of no hope (as in the cape of good hope in Africa ) Well on a technical note…I sign off ……hoping life works like this SQL query…….
DELETE sorrows FROM life UPDATE life SET failure_flag = "NO" AND success_flag = "YES" SELECT happiness, prosperity FROM life WHERE year >=2005 INSERT INTO life VALUES ("friends","dreams") GRANT smile TO all REVOKE enemity FROM all ALTER TABLE life add dreams CHAR(INFINITY)
THE YEAR THAT WAS……………………2004
This is just an account of the year so far....if curiosity is killing you to c , how the years went by ...just refer to the archives ection of my website www.katchucrap.blogspot.com in the months jan 2004 and jan 2003
Jan1 –wake up to plaster-of-paris free hands…after my left hand fracture had fully healed and the plaster had been removed last night….
Jan 3 –Go to Sify to collect my project details for my internship and rejoice at the same time when Sachin after a long draught scores a century against the aussies at the SCG(241*) .
Jan 23- Get caught in college for bunking college model exams..as I had gone to saarang(cul fest of IIT MADRAS)…but am let off as I do a comedian vivek style englipish”as I am suffering from fever……………..” what I actually said was I had been to IIT to present a paper on birdwatching….the IIT tag is enough for the so called exam cell fellow to feel that my leave was genuine…and thank heavens he didn’t know what birdwatching meant.
FEB 6- am elated as I receive two interview calls from symbiosis pune for their PGDBM course and am over the moon.
FEB 7 to 16 The right time for making money as I lap around rs 3000 in some allied events at Hindustan engineering college in their various department symposiums.
FEB 9- finally the college authorities give –in and decide to stop classes for the semester as we plead with them saying that we need at-least a months time for our project
FEB20 –Board the train to pune from home at 6 50…making it one of my most loneliest trips …..and keep vomiting in the train…….
FEB21- as the day dawns …I am reminded that the world has endured me for 22 years …and this is the first time I would be spending my birthday all alone and in a new city.
My interviews at symbiosis goes of well ….
FEB 22: The final interview on day 2 is also over at symbisois..pune, and I am free by 4 30 pm , but by the time I come back to the room and pack…its already 7 and Guess what…after “hindi-ing” around for some time I tend to miss our gaana and mama machan language (which I terribly hated in college !!!),so I run to the theatre near by which is screening “pudukottai lerundu saravanan” paying 90 rs in a multiplex there…and at the end of it I am convinced….that I could have jumped off the Niagara falls than to have watched that movie.
FEB-25-MARCH 10- Have the time of my life …roaming around with my friend prasanna as both our projects supposed to have been done at SIFY and IOCL are shelved bcoz of the short period our college gave us for the internship…and the fact that the companies wanted us to start doing the project from December last year. WE decide to buy a project from a “potti kadai” in one of the small bylanes of vadapalani………
MARCH-14 just chance to meet an astro-guy…who is supposed to be prasanna’s uncle’s friend and get a few encouraging signs about my future….never did believe him initially ….but found out afterwards in course of time that every syllable he occurred about my future was coming true………
MARCH-18 – Its my cousin’s marriage , but also happens to be my last symposium at Bharath engineering college.to which I make a quiet slip after the food is served in which I happen to win the paper presentation event and the quiz…….. so that’s the last drawn salary …from symposiums while at college.
MARCH-25- The next day my project review Is supposed to be and my project that I paid 4000 bucks is not yet ready….and that guys goes on and on……and it moves over into the wee hours of the next day……at 1 30 am..where he says that the project as some errors and he consoles me with a cup of “tea” at one of the corner side tea shops…but I don’t give up …and finally the project executes….at 3 30 am…after which I return home at 4 am …promptly miss the college bus as I over sleep , and then to reach college in time I take the arduous option of biking 50 kms on roads where highway lorries literally play Kabbadi.
My college computer hangs just while the execution is about to show up and the day passes off as miserably…and I decide to drive to my friend’s room nearby and take his cpu and rush back to college and show the execution of my project…….and finally just have enough strength to lie down flat in my friends room after all that to-and-fro biking..
APRIL 7- The final semester exams start…..
APRIL 22- The whole family takes a trip to Tirukkadiyur…. A temple town in interior tamilnadu to celebrate the 80th birthday of my grandfather…and we are lodged in a 100 year old house..with pillars running down every room and “thinnais” .The simple beauty of the place bowls me over…and the best part is the family get2gether of 20 people in that old-style house….
MAY 5- Its our last exam and no one’s mind is on the exam as we realize that all of us are going to part with each other and it was quite an emotional day for most of us…I stayed up late with the guys and went home only at 11 pm…..
MAY-6 We start on our 16 day trek to the Himalayas ..by boarding the sick “GT express” .
MAY 10: The coooolest t day in my life…as I was skiing at 13000 ft at practically near zero temperatures.
For more on the tour….refer archives section of my blog in june 2004 .
MAY-23- The tour ends and we are greeted in Chennai and told that Polaris is conducting its recruitment that day….so I get off from the rain and head straight to the venue…and after 3 hours of standing and getting baked in the 43 degree sun, I break through the pushing of the crowd and manage to write the test……
MAY-26-health becomes worse and my vomiting problem is getting more severe… admitted in the hospital….and get to know that My small intestine has 4 blocks and that is preventing food to get digested properly….and these are the initial stages of TB….
JUNE 04 – am released from hospital after this damn complex operation was performed and I can hardly walk for a month with a plastered stomach covering the cuts and stiches of the stomach which was operated. I am just out of hell(hospital) as life was tough taking in “drips” and injections as food and struggling to breathe as a pipe was inserted through both my nostrils right into my throat ….going down to the stomach…….so drinking water was something great then………
I miss quite a few recruitment tests in this period and rue upon my bad luck………
JUNE 12: I was informed of the Oracle –walk in and decide to somehow make it to bangalore to write the test,so 3 of my friends along with me …travel by car to Bangalore to write the test.I am the centre of attention there,as I go there draped in a “veshti”(dhoti ) as there is no way I can wear a pant with all that heavy plaster on my stomach……
I don’t get through that day and the next day for the walk in at Kyocera at Bangalore , the test was cancelled.
JUNE 19: I Also attend the oracle walkin at Hyderabad and hard luck there also…but I somehow enjoyed the trip with my friends…burning mid night oil reading tech books and past papers and the fact that they took good care of me …
JUNE 20: I travel for the first time in a jan shatabdi train from vijayawada to chennai and I am quite impressed by the train as it offers chair car like comforts for the price of a II sit.
JULY 3RD- I am called up by polaris after a long time ..for my tech interview and it goes of well at their navalur campus…..
JULY 4TH : A group of we six friends from college book rooms in a hotel in Bangalore , to prepare for the 2nd oracle walk-in and as we go to the centre , we find that at 7 am , there were people who had queued up from as early as 4 am………and guess what…due to the huge rush of candidates…the test was cancelled……..this was like rubbing salt in my wounds………
So what do I do for the remaining 12 hours…..as my return train to Chennai was only at 11 45 pm…so I decide to watch two back to back shows of “hum tum “ and “lakshya”.
JULY-11TH TO AUGUST 1—Every weekend was spent in bangalore writing recruitment tests and hunting 4 jobs…….
JULY-26th..very nearly made it to HCL technologies ….but happy for my friend Anand who made it through .
JULY-27 received my “offer of employment letter” frm POLARIS and the call letter to write the INFOSYS test…..
AUGUST-9th…I am supposed to report at POLARIS on OM road…but destiny decides otherwise as I qualify in the Infy test on 8th and am going to attend my Infy interview on 9th on the same road.
AUGUST-20th –17 23 pm….I receive a mail from Infy that I have been selected and I am elated ….
AUGUST 29th …I also clear the TCS test and the feel good factor is great. I also manage to coax a long-time-internet friend called krithika to try out blogging…so that was the 4th person I managed to do so in 3 years .
SEPTEMBER 1st to 7th- This weekend is also spent in Bangalore(7th consecutive weekend in Bangalore) watching the Natwest trophy…which unfortunately is not aired in chennai due to the CAS affect.
SEPTEMBER 16th- 4 of my friends decide to visit Tirupati to thank the lord for having showered us employment. We enjoy a crowd-free tirumala as we get darshan even though
It’s the start of the brahmotsovam festival that day.The temple sports a festive look ,decked up and lighted….
SEPTEMBER 23RD –I become a fan of mohammed rafi…after I attend a SPB conert where he rendered some of rafi’s songs….now I would have something to shop in a music store after I have exhausted all possible kishore’da’s combinations.
OCTOBER 18TH- I Report at Infy Bangalore and that’s where I stay for the next 76 days (today being the 77th day in Bangalore)….I realize that INFY is the IIM-A among the IT companies ……the way this place is built…taking into account the lush green gardens, the landscaping etc etc …….this is like living in dream land……..
And I am really impressed by the work culture at Infosys Bangalore…
OCTOBER 24TH : I Fool 2 girls in my batch , pretending to call them from HUTCH and telling them that the HUTCH network has detected them sending lewd messages and hutch was going to speak to her HR about it…..One girl was so tensed and scared that she was nearly on the verge of a break down (don’t worry Krishna mishra …I will not reveal your name ) ….I had real fun doing that ………..
NOVEMBER 18TH: I try out swimming for the first time in my life and discover painfully chilly swimming can be in an 18 degrees Bangalore evening,but am soon comforted by an hours session at the jacuzzi and steam bath…….W O W .
OCTOBER-19TH- DECEMBER 31st--- I tend to wonder why people
commit suicide …and court issues “death warranties” ……as I have discovered
one better way …to kill a person……ask him to learn Mainframes…….on a dumb
matrix like blue-green screen.
Things I learnt here
Every Software Engineer continues his state of chatting or forwarding
mails unless he is assigned work by external unbalanced manager.
Bugs can neither be created nor be removed from software
by a developer. It can only be converted from one form to another. The
total number of bugs in the software always remains constant.
"Your future depends on your dreams" So go to sleep
This is just an account of the year so far....if curiosity is killing you to c , how the years went by ...just refer to the archives ection of my website www.katchucrap.blogspot.com in the months jan 2004 and jan 2003
Jan1 –wake up to plaster-of-paris free hands…after my left hand fracture had fully healed and the plaster had been removed last night….
Jan 3 –Go to Sify to collect my project details for my internship and rejoice at the same time when Sachin after a long draught scores a century against the aussies at the SCG(241*) .
Jan 23- Get caught in college for bunking college model exams..as I had gone to saarang(cul fest of IIT MADRAS)…but am let off as I do a comedian vivek style englipish”as I am suffering from fever……………..” what I actually said was I had been to IIT to present a paper on birdwatching….the IIT tag is enough for the so called exam cell fellow to feel that my leave was genuine…and thank heavens he didn’t know what birdwatching meant.
FEB 6- am elated as I receive two interview calls from symbiosis pune for their PGDBM course and am over the moon.
FEB 7 to 16 The right time for making money as I lap around rs 3000 in some allied events at Hindustan engineering college in their various department symposiums.
FEB 9- finally the college authorities give –in and decide to stop classes for the semester as we plead with them saying that we need at-least a months time for our project
FEB20 –Board the train to pune from home at 6 50…making it one of my most loneliest trips …..and keep vomiting in the train…….
FEB21- as the day dawns …I am reminded that the world has endured me for 22 years …and this is the first time I would be spending my birthday all alone and in a new city.
My interviews at symbiosis goes of well ….
FEB 22: The final interview on day 2 is also over at symbisois..pune, and I am free by 4 30 pm , but by the time I come back to the room and pack…its already 7 and Guess what…after “hindi-ing” around for some time I tend to miss our gaana and mama machan language (which I terribly hated in college !!!),so I run to the theatre near by which is screening “pudukottai lerundu saravanan” paying 90 rs in a multiplex there…and at the end of it I am convinced….that I could have jumped off the Niagara falls than to have watched that movie.
FEB-25-MARCH 10- Have the time of my life …roaming around with my friend prasanna as both our projects supposed to have been done at SIFY and IOCL are shelved bcoz of the short period our college gave us for the internship…and the fact that the companies wanted us to start doing the project from December last year. WE decide to buy a project from a “potti kadai” in one of the small bylanes of vadapalani………
MARCH-14 just chance to meet an astro-guy…who is supposed to be prasanna’s uncle’s friend and get a few encouraging signs about my future….never did believe him initially ….but found out afterwards in course of time that every syllable he occurred about my future was coming true………
MARCH-18 – Its my cousin’s marriage , but also happens to be my last symposium at Bharath engineering college.to which I make a quiet slip after the food is served in which I happen to win the paper presentation event and the quiz…….. so that’s the last drawn salary …from symposiums while at college.
MARCH-25- The next day my project review Is supposed to be and my project that I paid 4000 bucks is not yet ready….and that guys goes on and on……and it moves over into the wee hours of the next day……at 1 30 am..where he says that the project as some errors and he consoles me with a cup of “tea” at one of the corner side tea shops…but I don’t give up …and finally the project executes….at 3 30 am…after which I return home at 4 am …promptly miss the college bus as I over sleep , and then to reach college in time I take the arduous option of biking 50 kms on roads where highway lorries literally play Kabbadi.
My college computer hangs just while the execution is about to show up and the day passes off as miserably…and I decide to drive to my friend’s room nearby and take his cpu and rush back to college and show the execution of my project…….and finally just have enough strength to lie down flat in my friends room after all that to-and-fro biking..
APRIL 7- The final semester exams start…..
APRIL 22- The whole family takes a trip to Tirukkadiyur…. A temple town in interior tamilnadu to celebrate the 80th birthday of my grandfather…and we are lodged in a 100 year old house..with pillars running down every room and “thinnais” .The simple beauty of the place bowls me over…and the best part is the family get2gether of 20 people in that old-style house….
MAY 5- Its our last exam and no one’s mind is on the exam as we realize that all of us are going to part with each other and it was quite an emotional day for most of us…I stayed up late with the guys and went home only at 11 pm…..
MAY-6 We start on our 16 day trek to the Himalayas ..by boarding the sick “GT express” .
MAY 10: The coooolest t day in my life…as I was skiing at 13000 ft at practically near zero temperatures.
For more on the tour….refer archives section of my blog in june 2004 .
MAY-23- The tour ends and we are greeted in Chennai and told that Polaris is conducting its recruitment that day….so I get off from the rain and head straight to the venue…and after 3 hours of standing and getting baked in the 43 degree sun, I break through the pushing of the crowd and manage to write the test……
MAY-26-health becomes worse and my vomiting problem is getting more severe… admitted in the hospital….and get to know that My small intestine has 4 blocks and that is preventing food to get digested properly….and these are the initial stages of TB….
JUNE 04 – am released from hospital after this damn complex operation was performed and I can hardly walk for a month with a plastered stomach covering the cuts and stiches of the stomach which was operated. I am just out of hell(hospital) as life was tough taking in “drips” and injections as food and struggling to breathe as a pipe was inserted through both my nostrils right into my throat ….going down to the stomach…….so drinking water was something great then………
I miss quite a few recruitment tests in this period and rue upon my bad luck………
JUNE 12: I was informed of the Oracle –walk in and decide to somehow make it to bangalore to write the test,so 3 of my friends along with me …travel by car to Bangalore to write the test.I am the centre of attention there,as I go there draped in a “veshti”(dhoti ) as there is no way I can wear a pant with all that heavy plaster on my stomach……
I don’t get through that day and the next day for the walk in at Kyocera at Bangalore , the test was cancelled.
JUNE 19: I Also attend the oracle walkin at Hyderabad and hard luck there also…but I somehow enjoyed the trip with my friends…burning mid night oil reading tech books and past papers and the fact that they took good care of me …
JUNE 20: I travel for the first time in a jan shatabdi train from vijayawada to chennai and I am quite impressed by the train as it offers chair car like comforts for the price of a II sit.
JULY 3RD- I am called up by polaris after a long time ..for my tech interview and it goes of well at their navalur campus…..
JULY 4TH : A group of we six friends from college book rooms in a hotel in Bangalore , to prepare for the 2nd oracle walk-in and as we go to the centre , we find that at 7 am , there were people who had queued up from as early as 4 am………and guess what…due to the huge rush of candidates…the test was cancelled……..this was like rubbing salt in my wounds………
So what do I do for the remaining 12 hours…..as my return train to Chennai was only at 11 45 pm…so I decide to watch two back to back shows of “hum tum “ and “lakshya”.
JULY-11TH TO AUGUST 1—Every weekend was spent in bangalore writing recruitment tests and hunting 4 jobs…….
JULY-26th..very nearly made it to HCL technologies ….but happy for my friend Anand who made it through .
JULY-27 received my “offer of employment letter” frm POLARIS and the call letter to write the INFOSYS test…..
AUGUST-9th…I am supposed to report at POLARIS on OM road…but destiny decides otherwise as I qualify in the Infy test on 8th and am going to attend my Infy interview on 9th on the same road.
AUGUST-20th –17 23 pm….I receive a mail from Infy that I have been selected and I am elated ….
AUGUST 29th …I also clear the TCS test and the feel good factor is great. I also manage to coax a long-time-internet friend called krithika to try out blogging…so that was the 4th person I managed to do so in 3 years .
SEPTEMBER 1st to 7th- This weekend is also spent in Bangalore(7th consecutive weekend in Bangalore) watching the Natwest trophy…which unfortunately is not aired in chennai due to the CAS affect.
SEPTEMBER 16th- 4 of my friends decide to visit Tirupati to thank the lord for having showered us employment. We enjoy a crowd-free tirumala as we get darshan even though
It’s the start of the brahmotsovam festival that day.The temple sports a festive look ,decked up and lighted….
SEPTEMBER 23RD –I become a fan of mohammed rafi…after I attend a SPB conert where he rendered some of rafi’s songs….now I would have something to shop in a music store after I have exhausted all possible kishore’da’s combinations.
OCTOBER 18TH- I Report at Infy Bangalore and that’s where I stay for the next 76 days (today being the 77th day in Bangalore)….I realize that INFY is the IIM-A among the IT companies ……the way this place is built…taking into account the lush green gardens, the landscaping etc etc …….this is like living in dream land……..
And I am really impressed by the work culture at Infosys Bangalore…
OCTOBER 24TH : I Fool 2 girls in my batch , pretending to call them from HUTCH and telling them that the HUTCH network has detected them sending lewd messages and hutch was going to speak to her HR about it…..One girl was so tensed and scared that she was nearly on the verge of a break down (don’t worry Krishna mishra …I will not reveal your name ) ….I had real fun doing that ………..
NOVEMBER 18TH: I try out swimming for the first time in my life and discover painfully chilly swimming can be in an 18 degrees Bangalore evening,but am soon comforted by an hours session at the jacuzzi and steam bath…….W O W .
OCTOBER-19TH- DECEMBER 31st--- I tend to wonder why people
commit suicide …and court issues “death warranties” ……as I have discovered
one better way …to kill a person……ask him to learn Mainframes…….on a dumb
matrix like blue-green screen.
Things I learnt here
Every Software Engineer continues his state of chatting or forwarding
mails unless he is assigned work by external unbalanced manager.
Bugs can neither be created nor be removed from software
by a developer. It can only be converted from one form to another. The
total number of bugs in the software always remains constant.
"Your future depends on your dreams" So go to sleep
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