I somehow tend to realize that when one starts working , time just flies by ...I just feel I came and sat in the office, hey ..but its already evening .I have just got a little buys at work witgh loads to learn....the maxim "so much to do-so little time " pops up ...when i think of it.
Life is all about managing and balancing things in such a way that one derrives the maximum out of life...and soon I would be slogging at Mangalore , my new work location...as the expected short term tranfer to chennai ends soon. I realize that soon ,each of my friends would be posted to different locations...and who knows ....may not even meet each other ...as sid and prasanna go to trivandrum for thir training in TCS .Achut goes to a short 2 month stay for his training to mysore.Lan is in hyderabad....I thought it wud be better we plan a short re union/getaway to munnar this weekend. we are staying at springdales , munnar .
quite a big list has signed up and managing 12 people is going to be tough , but what the heck it's fun meeting all people after college(more precisely may 5th 2004 ). We have planned it with a budget of 1500 for the weekend,including our train journey ,travel by van around munnar,accomadation and food. So do wait for some snaps next monday morning. The list is as follows,and suprsingly we have each one in a different company ...
1) Achut (Infy)
2) Kartik Kannan(Infy )
3) Kishore(symantec-sutherland)
5)Prasanna kumar (HCL-CISCO)
6)Ganesh (honeywell)
8)santosh (EDS)
9)Vinush (CTS)
10) Dinesh (HCL )
11) Anand(Gtech-HCL )
The ones who cudnt make it or wanted more time were
1 ) ravikumar (HCL)
3)jaffer(hcl) ...
4) Prasanna venkatesh (GE....)
Anyway I am happy that at least we , a motley crowd of 12 are meeting ....
safety gone for a SIX

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
Sometimes people dont seem to realize how dangerous travel on footboard is.I just dont understand why people(school students generally ) try such antics putting their lives at grave risk.This was taken near my bus stand at Ram Nagar,Madipakkam in Chennai.
If people are getting late , they should leave in time so as to avoid such a mad scramble,as these people on the "footboard" are a menace to the vehicles coming from behind as , if they fall from the bus,they directly are run over by the vehicles coming behind.
Thats why one should never overtake on the left,irespective of the space available on the left hand side ...considering the amount of risk involved.
Well all these antics on a bus is more dangerous than on a train as the bus curves and dances according to the road's condiotion and traffic ,causing sudden jolts that may affect balance.
Atleast on a train, there are no sudden breaks and jolts as it's a straight path..I am not advocating that footboard is safer on trains ,but comparitively the risk is a little less on a train than on a bus...but all said and done one must know where to draw the line ,when it comes to safty and travel.
Cauldron blah blah blah...

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
That was a nice Icecream that I had on my birthday eve at KOOL KATS , the ice cream store in besant nagar, below EDEN.
It was called some CAULDRON CHOCOLATE.....whatever , it tasted very well...
Birthday treat @ EDEN

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
thats santosh,hariharasudhan,vinushankar and anand
Birthday pics

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
thats Aastha,preethy,jayanthi,sudar and chandru during my treat on the 21st at dominos,infy
pre birthday bash at EDEN

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
This photo was taken o the 20th night,last weekend as I treated some of my college friends on the occaissio of my birthday.Seen in the picture are Umesh,Kishore and Achut.
cake smashing...what a birthday

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
Well this was the most comic moment of the birthday bash at office where a few girls planned to feed me the first bite ...i my mouth ..and as i opened my mouth wide all set to devour the piece....they smashed the chocolate cake all over my face.
I am seen here with a cake piece still left on my nose :-)
Treat @ Dominos

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
This was the treat I gave my friends at the dominos outlet on 21st evening after office.We all gorged on 2 DOUBLE CHEESE CRUNCH PIZZAS....my tounge is still numb after biting this hot pizza
Birthday bash at office

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
It was very sweet of all my Infy batchmates to organize a birthday bash for me last evening in office at our canteen.Most of the october 18th batchmates were present there to wish me. I felt really happy , when they did this for me , without my knowledge,that too pulling me out of a meeting,when we had a break for 5 minutes...
Birthday bash at office

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
It was very sweet of all my Infy batchmates to organize a birthday bash for me last evening in office at our canteen.Most of the october 18th batchmates were present there to wish me. I felt really great , when they did this for me , without my knowledge.
Last evening My friends and I assembled at our headquarters...(TRIPLICANE, achut's place ) for the birthday bash.This guy amongst our group had finished 22 years of his life (as of today) and we all decided to go out for dinner.The birthday boy chose to dine at eden , a restaurant in besant nagar and our group of 10 assembled there.Throughout the dinner we had fun,more so with "peter"santosh ..and "prakash" Hari ....playing the jesters.We gobbled up fingerchips,Butter Nan's,Peshawri Nan's,4 different kinds of fried rice,pasta and 6 varieties of ice creams. This was one of the most enjoyable birthday parties I have attended,and more so because of the number of friends turning up.A majority of the gang member's hail from Triplicane , which a 100 years back ...was where chennai city started and ended.Triplicane still maintains the olden days charm of the last century and ideally resembles the visionary city of R.K.Narayan's Malgudi.The triplicane gang 7 in number apart from myself,kishore and vinush....have been friends for years now and it was a major coincidence that a majority of them got into the same college (my college) and the colleges near mine.These guys studied from childhood in the same school(hindu senior in triplicane ) and have a great sense of togetherliness in whatever they do , even if their thoughts are a little too triplicanist.... in nature... I know them ,more so for the past 5 years only...but they are indeed a part of my inner coterie of friends.
Well if u are wondering who the birthday boy was...........IT IS ME ........YES....as fate would have it I was born on this day, the 21st of february 1983 ,22 summers ago..14 summers short of bryan adam's "summer of 69 " :-)

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
One Thing with the fog was that the fog tends to be felt heavily only in uninhabited areaâ??s and wide open spaces rather than the cityâ?¦..The tree in the background tells the story of the denseness in the fog.I guess it wouldâ??nt be long before Chennai starts snowing ï?? .

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
Highway to heaven , Thatâ??s how it seemed to suggest ,as Chennai for a moment resembled a hill station â?¦driving through . all that dense fog was like pervading through the clouds â?¦

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
The hazy picture of the Tea shop and Lorry provide a good estimation of the extent of fog that was there this morning.

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
I have generally known Chennai for itâ??s heat,but it does occaissonaly have thick dense blanket of fog generally in the month of february.The first time I saw fog was on the 7th of february in 2001 ,when Sid and I went to sairam engg college for our first symposium , traveling by the beach â??tambaram local train..
I had taken these photos while I was driving along the 100 feet road from pallikaranai/medavakkam towards pallavaram. I decided to take a few snaps while stopping to gauge the fog as the visibility seemed very poor for driving on roads,where Lorry traffic was very high.So thatâ??s my Car parked towards the edge of a road,while we stopped to appreciate nature.
Finally my biz card is out....

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
That's my new business card...and it's finally out....
Today , the day started with me browsing thru the various newspapers on display at the reception and just started to get a little sluggish when my eyes , bored by the mundane news ...decided to to close ...and take a pre lunch siesta....when Jayanthi and shalini popped up out of nowhere and I thought they had spotted me sleeping at the reception,so just pretended to be busy browsing the papers.They had supposedly come there to attend a seminar ...and they just told me that.... and given how vetti (jobless) I am at office , I thought I could attend that seminar. I asked them where , the seminar was and what was it on....all i got in reply was from jayanthi and shalini was " u'l love the target audience " and guess what i blindly go along with them to the seminar .....and guess what ...........................
I enter and see species all of feminine nature ....all ladies and all of a sudden a senior lady asks me "excuse me ,were u invited" with a wry smile...and only then do i get the picture ...I say no ...she smiled back and said that "u can attend it, no issues".
I happened to listen to Anu aga chairman of thermax group of industries,via teleconferencing from Infosys Pune , ..... who was recently voted as the most powerful 50 women in India.She had a good sense of humour and spoke very well of her life ,as to how she saw discrimination against girls in her childhood and how she handled problems in her family.I was quite touched by her story ...she surely is a mentally very strong woman...who has defied the circumstances and come up the corporate ladder.She reminds of the role rani mukherjee esayed in VEER ZAARA ....
coming back to my post ...I for a second kinda felt out of place being in a all-for-ladies meeting...and as nostalgia would have it , 15 years back I found myself in a similar situation.
I had just then come down to chennai and was in my 3rd standard and it was a stormy,rainy day ...that morning due to which my school had declared a holiday ,fearing a storm....and my mother who dropped me in school had no idea of dropping me back a home,so she took me to her office.
My mother,then was working In Welcom group Chola sheraton, one of the famous 5 star hotels in chennai.She was working for MD's office so was very busy and didnt want me to be in her cabin...so she bought me an ice cream and bought me a series of those amar chitra katha books from the Nalandha book store in Chola Sheraton then and put me in the LADIES LOCKER.
For the first one hour , I spent time munching and reading books,but I was feeling bored and then came in an aunty ...seemingly in her late 30's and sat down near the mirror and started to apply some make up and lip stick.I was least interested about what she was doing , but had no option of seeing what she was doing as I had seen every portion of the room many times over during my 1 hour tenure there so far.Soon she went and a little before lunch ....i dozed away only to get up and see three ladies sleeping beside me !!! and 2 of them disrobing their attire .....
I was quite young and felt a little uneasy when the ladies were down to their barest minimum's and then so to say ,in III standard all of them to me were "puppy shame aunties" .I wondered why the ladies were taking off their clothes and doing unwanted things ,when they ought to be at work. Well I was a kid then ....and quickly forgot that day ..but did feel a little uncomfortable in the bevy of ladies ......so just recounting that experience ...
Today when i think back to that day ...in the ladies locker room, on a naughtier side,I wish I was transported 15 years back in time :-)
I am peeved at the attitude shown by the television broadcaster's at having this set box scheme in chennai city only..all over India ..and now it feels as if we chennai'tes wounds are further rubbed with salt with the Indian board not allocating a single test match or a one day to Chennai. EDEN GARDENS KOLKATTA, may be the most boisterous crowd , but to me the most knowledgeable and decent crowd that applauds good cricket has been chennai.None of the Indian ground crowds have known to appreciate the opposition's game as well as chennai'ites do and it's quite shocking that Chennai has not been invited to the Indo pakistan bash.
I remember when pakistan toured last time in 99 ,I was there at chepauk to witness the mother of battles ..but sadly India lost that match by 12 runs,but it sure was a humdinger of a contest with Sachin and mongia nearly getting India home ....but Akram and Saqlain had the last laugh. The standing ovation that the chennai crowd gave pakistan when they did their victory lap was really a vignette...and I was looking forward to another unfolding this time,whatever the result.
That night i slept,wept over India's loss...as it was such a close match....and I remember my emotions for the match got the better of me ,the next day in school when i flunked my LOG SERIES and E series test. I seem to somehow attachmyself extremely with matches concerning India and remember so many occaisons where India's loss has upset me ....
So coming to the central point of it all.... why chennai is being victimised ....in both the above forms as mentioned , will still remain only a question on a question paper ....?
summer of 05

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
well , I must say so much of energy flowed as the bass was increased .I was really exhausted after dancing , more so jhatkaing to the audio played.
It was real fun .This was at the DJ NITE for the valentine day's function last thursday

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
This is a picture taken DURING THE DJ NITE we had ....at office ..the song in question is the song from kal ha no ho...during which the hoto was taken.

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
An addition in this photo is the tall person on the right.That's vinushankar who just got a job at CTS and is put into mainframes.Vinu is an electrical engineer and was working in an electrical company ..across the length and breadth of India.His training in that company took him to goa,calcutta and some remote places in India..after which Vinu somehow felt he needed a change in the job profile and wrote CTS,the rest is history....self explanatory so to say .....

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
Last week was time for some re union with college mates.The person in the blue is sabarinath who works as a regional cooordinator for the southern India wing of UK education in the BRITISH COUNCIL. Sabari seems so much proffessional these days with his talking mannerisms and style ...which is so different from our college days where sabari felt speaking english was only for "peter's" like me ...and his lexicon then was "mama ..machan and a whole lot of unpublishable words".It's really great to see my batchmates after a year and that too when sabari really is doing well for himself.
Along side him is Kishore, one of my very good friends who's probably accompanied me on every damn tour that we've gone post college and also during college.what I really admire about him is his flexibility and adaptability to any situation,whenerever we stayed out of chennai on tours.Kishore-a techie basically, , is currently looking for some tech openings even though he is currently employed,woking for Symantec division of sutherland.But he tells me that he finds life great at his place , but would prefer coding ...
TIME : 5 30 PM TO 9 30 PM
DATE :10TH FEB 2005
The earthquake here was the dance remixes which registered a 9 on the richter scale of excitement,so to say.As part of our valentine day bash at office,we had the band AaTtMa performing some melliflous numbers from yesteryear alternating in hindi and tamil,after which we had a real blast with DJ Mazhaar coming along and making we people dance to his groovy remixes.
the DJ started off my mixing alaipayuthey kanna from alaipayuthe and the famous punjabi bhangra number "gori nallu ishq mita " and wow the combo certainly seemed rocking.In a second our food court was transformed into a discotheque/dance floor with all the colourful spot lights on....and I must say,leting one's hair down once in a while ....was great fun.Though I didn't know the steps as well as some of the people dancing there,I really didnt mind shaking a leg ....
3 cheers to the organizers who did the show .......they really seemed to have brought in quality people this time and of course lovely numbers...which included some of my all time favorites like "dum maro dum", "jaane jaan" from jawani diwani ,"Kadhal rojave" and of course the song i love to listen when i bike "endendrum punnagai/oh humdum suniyo rey" from alaipayuthe/saathiya.
The photos will soon be put up on my blog..as there seems to be some problems with my data cable that transfers the pictures from my mobile to my PC temporarily.
As the popular saying goes “memories are like waves on the sand ‘s of time” I have decided to do a REWIND of life and compare it with way it is today. These solely include my personal views on how I perceive life from my cornea . brickbats and bouquets on this are welcome.
Sometimes I look back and thank god that I was born in the winter of 1983 as I was able to live through 2 different era’s so to say, as I generally categorize life as pre 1994 and post 1994.Well the pre 94 days were seemingly the best days of my life ,where one could just wait and keep waiting and still see the clock amble it’s way 24 times in a day.People had time for every one and Sunday’s meant we would go visiting relatives ,exchange pleasantries and have a nice time on weekends.Those were the pristine days in which the mamiyaar mattuponnu (saas-bahu) war was fought with any guidance from dear ekta kapoor or Radhika(as in TN).The only so –called soap’s that ran without too much off a mass transfixation were junoon and before that were Ramayan and Mahabharat. Having a STAR TV connection and a PSTN telephone line those days ,were status symbols that one could flaunt around with. Entertainment for my family on Sundays were limited to watching Ramayana and derive the simple of pleasures of life by simply planning an outing with our neighbours by walk to the nearby besant nagar beach
Those days children found time to relax on a Sunday and listen to grandma’s stories and still time to play and enjoy with neighborhood children. One really wouldn’t complain if there was no telecast of a cricket match on good old DD,as people were more hooked on to ravi chaturvedi’s hindi commentary (which was faster than the then bullet train ) on a rickety radio set…or tune into Ameen sayani’s chaayageet on vividh bharathi
My view of Chennai started from the adyar signal at Gandhi nagar and stretched up to the besant nagar beach as my school was at one end of Gandhi nagar and my home in adyar.My work (as in homework,playing,chilling out with friends were mostly in my neighbourhood and the closeby besant nagar beach.Thiruvanmiyur then was the end of the world….and ECR was like going to the moon. It surprises me that whenever my mother used to take me to see her friends , it would be places like perungalathur,avadi,Triplicane etc etc , that I would consider really far off like a trip to the last planet Pluto.
I hated going out with my parents on weekends after a stage as my world on weekends was all about hitting 6 pieces of cricket stumps into the wet soil between the B and C block’s of my apartment and playing cricket with my friends.Those were the days when I played the B block vs C block matches with the enthusiasm and ferocity of an India Pakistan match. I would love to ape the actual cricketers in whatever they did and I set the example at my apartments.I remember for my 10th birthday in 1993, when my mother asked me what I wanted as a birthday present , I asked her to buy me a plain white shirt and paint on the front side INDIA and on the back my name KARTIK ,besides painting the Indian 1992 world cup t-shirt shades on my shoulders. I behaved like a big stud wearing that shirt ….and felt a great sense of living the life of a cricketer. The other crazy things I did were to paint my batting Pads in different colors ,apply my mother’s fair and lovely cream between my eyes and nose so as to resemble the zinc cream that players like Alan Donald and Craig McDermott wore ,so to say resembling a war paint and finally buy those “colored glasses” of the shades of golden, blue and silver ….similar to the sunglasses the players started to wear those days.
I was a guy who loved playing cricket and would not mind changing my style often. Given the mood that day I would with a stance aping some players like krish srikanth ,graham gooch-with the bat raised in the air above the stumps or bowl pace with different actions of bowlers thinking I was that bowler.I really enjoyed my childhood days living the life of a “cricketer” and at nights used to sit and chat with friends amidst the cool breeze from the elliots beach that soothened our tired bodies after play.
These days the post 94 days – all off a sudden , the pace of life has changed.Even though the quality and the ease of life has changed..with the introduction of IT and it’s allied cousin’s like electronics. People have become more lazy and with the enabling of such a vast expanse of technology , people seem to be living in a virtual world of bits and bytes than taking time out to the explore the world that surrounds them. Life has all of a sudden become a rat race where each moment one has to think of outwitting the other person and competition is thick in the air. People today have no time to sit back and enjoy life as they want to be constantly loaded with work as they feel out of place without work …especially in this IT industry where I work… (being on bench- the IT people’s jargon for not yet being assigned a project and having no work ).
People these days grow up with the mentality “time is money” and keep thinking ways of improving one’s life,setting targets for the way they want to be when they are 25,30,35…and so on.The simple pleasures of life are crushed by the aspirations of “more more more “ and people wish to earn more money than they can actually spend, resulting in lives spent more at the office…amidst the vast sea of tension.Take for example a student’s life where he studies these days only with aim of minting money.All the parent’s want each of their children to become mould’s of Sachin tendulkar’s ,amartya sen’s or aishwarya rai’s than being just themselves.The child is made to undergo tuitions at home after school and sent to some sports coaching academy….and is terribly loaded with peer pressure to perform. He works hard at his 10th board exams to go to the best combination of groups and finally his 12th standard exam’s to make sure he tops and gets a good college and after that works hard in college to get a good job , works even harder at his job to get that extra bucks of salary increment.Does he ever take a moment to sit back and see how fast life has gone on so mechanically . I believe parents these days should take of the Damocles sword hanging over the children and allow them to know and enjoy their environment and find out the natural abillties that they could help them professionally I certainly am not misconstruing one’s growth in life as infectious but what’s the use of earning money when one cant live the life to spend it.
Well I certainly make sure that money and prestige come no where in between me enjoying the simple pleasures of life which I do it my own way like enjoy the local trains in Chennai,the trams in Calcutta,eating groundnut’s from the crowded ranganathan street in Tnagar,being on bench ! ! ! than be busy downloading a tool ,ripping the latest MP3 or eating compilers for dinner.
Last weekend was spent with sid,umesh,achut,prasanna,joshy and dear nature...On saturday we decided to go tirupati and had a nice time there,starting from the train journey from chennai and ending with the solitude of the waves lashing the elliots beach in besant nagar.It was fun reliving our college moments chatting in the train..as we awere so used to our gossip in the local trains during college.Some of the moments of the weekend are best highlighted in pictures...scroll down to enjoy some of them...as there seems to be some technical problems in uploading all of them.
kitne aadmi they? GABBAR SINGH...in full flow

kitne aadmi they? GABBAR SINGH...in full flow
Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
Just decided to try and shoot baloons in the beach.my scores though were not that impresive , a rotten three out of 10.
lemme cover my eyes

lemme cover my eyes
Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
thats SID (a.k.a SUDHIR ) who was suffering from CALL CENTRE INSOMNIA.He very easily gets disturbed by sound or by light,so thats why he is seen sleeping with a kerchief on his eyes.Sudhir, a triplicanist by birth works in a call centre, for the time being after being selected for TCS ..as his joining date was delayed by 7 months.
thats at the rest place

thats at the rest place
Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
This was taken at the free rest place for pilgrims enroute to the APSRTC bus stand from the station.This place somehow reminded me of kolkata.One gets a kind of a relaxed feeling and mental peace , unindful of the litter there.
the entrance to the temple

the entrance to the temple
Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
This is one of the entrances to the darshan...it's a lovely place when lit up at night.
tirupati's version of "summer of 69"

tirupati's version of "summer of 69"
Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
This was taken at the place where we settled down for a nap after registering for darshan.This is sid's aunt's place ..in tirupati ...where we generally keep our luggage in the small portion of their terrace.The place has some books, a cot,beds,some family photos and a lovely guitar.The best thing about the place where we lived in tirupati was that the place just had around 4 or 5 lanes and the settings were very similar to R.K Narayan's MALGUDI....

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
This is the food court where I spend some of my time in the evenings.It's a lovely place for an evening chat with a friend,considering the sea breeze that sets in with the beach right behind our office.My favourite haunt would be the "fruit-shop-on -greams road outlet and the mini dominos pizza.
This week I might go to Tirupati if all goes well along with the triplicane gang......as sid will have to decide whether he has to take leave on friday ...(his day stretches into the night of friday and ends at 5 30 am on saturday ).I remember the last trip we had to tirupati...it wa real fun along with sid,hari and santosh....on the night of september 15th,when we paid obeisance to the lord of the 7 hills for giving us jobs.This time , it remains tobe seen whether achut(my benchmate at college..and colleague at infy) makes it ..as he's become busy all of a sudden coding all night long with his department's project.
Also on the anvil ...are so many other things that i officialy cant reveal on this blog...as it concerns my job....but anyways just hope the preparation for the "miao" goes off well,by joining somewhere .
I hear that SATYAM and HEXAWARE are planning to recriut freshers of the 04 batch...and I am doing all i can to forward resumes of those unfortunate people who still are searching for a job .Anyone who needs a call for writing the tests please do mark ur resume to my gmail address kartik(dot)kannan[at]gmail[dot]com..by thursday evening 6 pm .I have to write my email address in this format otherwise I would be inviting unneccesary spam to my site.
Hmmm...I guess its quite late in the evening ..and dark,so i better be on my way home rather than drive in freespace (thats what driving at OMR at night would seem like ).

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
Well the above computer is the one from which I am doing my post from.Its a HP system with a slim monitor.This is my mute companion at work...
Seems really cool to see pictures on this monitor which is a welcome respite from the curved obese monitors that I used to have during my training.Infact some of my office mates have this old style DESKTOP-ON TOP-OF-CPU model...I am lucky I dont have such a leviathan, but a slim lass.

Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
Well ...these days My tummy is expanding simply due to the amount of cheese pizza's I gobble up...while at work.I must have spent clsoe to 2000 rupees eating cheese pizzas over the last months....GOD if my dad hears this he's gonna flog me