Originally uploaded by kartik kannan.
Last week was time for some re union with college mates.The person in the blue is sabarinath who works as a regional cooordinator for the southern India wing of UK education in the BRITISH COUNCIL. Sabari seems so much proffessional these days with his talking mannerisms and style ...which is so different from our college days where sabari felt speaking english was only for "peter's" like me ...and his lexicon then was "mama ..machan and a whole lot of unpublishable words".It's really great to see my batchmates after a year and that too when sabari really is doing well for himself.
Along side him is Kishore, one of my very good friends who's probably accompanied me on every damn tour that we've gone post college and also during college.what I really admire about him is his flexibility and adaptability to any situation,whenerever we stayed out of chennai on tours.Kishore-a techie basically, , is currently looking for some tech openings even though he is currently employed,woking for Symantec division of sutherland.But he tells me that he finds life great at his place , but would prefer coding ...
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