

There was this offer at infy that if one bought 2 tickets of value rs 200 for the SONU NIGAM show last evenng at bangaore's palace grounds, that one would be getting a free T shirt from cafe coffee day.I payed 400 rs and got the T shirt and the 2 tickets,thinking I can always persuade some one to tag along with me and recover 200 bucks on the sale of the ticket. Suprisingly none of my friends in bangalore wanted to go for the show as they were
1 lazy
2 not interested
3 scratching their heads........

I went alone and had the other ticket lying waste.To my suprise the show went on till 1 am in the wee hours of today morning.But i decided to move out at 11 pm itself to catch the last bus home, and instead of driving a profit ........i was submerged in a huge loss

200 * 2 = 400 rs (show was OK )
70 rs for auto from show place to majestic at 11 pm(@ double rate)
100 rs for sleeping in a yatri nivas bed , as no bus services past 11 at bangalore.
50 rs calling friends and asking them whether they were interested in coming


Nirenjan Krishnan said...

This is why you shouldn't jump to offers like this... free this, free that, FREEA vudu...

Preethika said...

dude, freebies r never actually free

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