This was taken at the Nokia N series outlet at Tidel Park.Nokia's M blog application seems interesting in the fact that, one gets a blogging application to post via the mobile,but what seems a loser and gives Nokia no USP on the blogging front is that the "blog posted via M blog" is live on a Nokia server and it doesnt go live on the Blogger/wordpress interface,which still means that there is an intermediary to the blogging process.Either I have got it wrong or the guys at the Nokia stall are crazy,as the kids didnt seem to have a clue on how exactly the Mblog application adds value.

Well, the phone is marketed as cool, fundu and all that,but when it fails to fulfill its basic USP functionality of Mobile Blogging, its easy to give the Nokia stall a miss.At least if they followed the Hutch policy of having cute girls at the counter,they would have still found favour with me,but it was'nt to be.

That's Veer Bothra,of Blogstreet,with whom I had a personal session on his views on the Blogging front , his revenue model of Blogstreet and his plans for the future.He is the perfect example of management meets technology,where his technical products match the user needs on the blogging front.I was suprised to find that his site, has not ye arrived at a revenue model.

That's Peter of ziglyzackly.blogspot.com who is cued in on a discussion between Neha and Osama on the collaborative Blogging initiative.The collaborative blogging session seemed to lack enthusiasm and was the perfect case "of too many cooks spoiling the broth", as the good intentions of these bloggers during the Mumbai Blasts,rains and the Chennai tsunami was not quite brought to the fore.I was personally expecting a lot from the session, given the quality of bloggers,but somehow they really could not elicit much of an aprroval from the audience.

This was the live video streaming session where Kingley Jegan joined us from San Fransisco, at what was an uneartly 2 45 am, for him.But I felt this session on Social bookmarking did not get to going as good as it could have gone.I learnt that there are 7 social bookmarking sites, the more recent one being Put Vote.com which seems to have me regularly featured.

Updating Blogs using WI FI on the move seems really interesting,and I lapped up the oppurtunity by doing some live reporting.
Nice pics :)
Went on well?
u gay or something? wer r the pictures of the chicks?
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