

My friend Kishore has already done this feat of spilling coffee twice on the keyboard, and the latest is my colleague meenakshi. I guess when fatigue sets in, people refresh themselves with the ubiquitous coffee machine and when fatigue seems just greater than the energy given by the calories of coffee, then its time the non human form gets some coffee, than the human form.How does that happen ? Well, You are trying hard to maintain concentration with a coffee cup at work , and just when siesta blues hit you, your coffee cup spills over with a tilt and the keyboard receives some of that coffee.Invariably in all three instances spread across each quarter, the coffee spills right between the interstices of the Letters Q W E R T Y.

Though I have dozed several times infront of the monitor, I have so far not had the distinction of spilling any liquid on the keyboard.Going by the amount of workpressure in IT companies, It seems a funny thought to imagine Coffee Insurance on the Keyboard, but given the nature of accidents happening, you never know it may already be there..

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