24 Hours not enough
I seriously feel that way over the past week or two. I Have been y putting in 13 hour weekdays and 5 hour sleeping days and still a whole pile of work stares at my eyes.Microsoft excel is the terminal speedbreaker that seems to erode into my creativity as of now. That resulted in me going to a meeting today and literally sleeping there , though it didnt happen, but people could easily find out that I needed a nap. I only wish the day had more than 24 , as even before one plans the day and goes about a couple of tasks,with a few impromptu meetings thrown in , the day is almost over and it's 8 pm and I am lonely in office :-) .
This seems to be a crash course in Time management,working at a smaller company ..and if properly analysed , one see's "x" kind of an idea worked and "y" didnt and it's only after some experience with the processes can I look at a 6 pm start out of office. There are times when gazing at the computer screen can become a tad monotonous and am just starting to get a feel of it.I guess I would need to do some tweaking in my routine and see whether I can get some entertainment. I frankly dont seem to have any intersti g hobby after I reach home as I am pretty much tired after a long day and all the body wants to do is spread itself horizontally and wake up 5 hours later to repeat another day.
I guess these periods at work are like the middle overs in a one day international , a little boring and slow, but critical periods of consolidation before the final attack.So just brushing any form of tiredness and pushing out of office heading home.
PS: I have booked a small 3 day tour to a place called Karwar in Karnataka for a trekking walk across the mountains and beaches in a close by place called Gokarna ,which also happens to be the varanasi of the south. This is in mid feb, and if any one has been there before please do suggest me some travel tips to get 2 karwar from Bangalore. I am reaching Bangalore on the 16th of february by the new evening Shatabdi from Chennai. I am kinda eagerly awaiting the trip as its a long time since i was globally vetti and did a long trek. I am told Goa has some really hot babes with skimpy clothes in some beaches ..but all I have is 3 hours to explore goa , as i am stopping over there just to catch my return flight.Goa, I guess requires a week to explore and enjoy fully , so that's out of my trip and since I am looking at an economical one for a holiday Gokarna seemed a good choice.
I fully agree. 24 hours is not enough! Wish you a good holiday, and trekking. Karwar is a great place. Once chance for me to go there, I missed.
I have added you to my blog list.I hope you are fine with it...
Have a nice trip! Expecting a travelogue post.
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